Scan food items to understand their impact
Download our app and start scanning! It’s as simple as that really. When you’re in the supermarket or when you get home, scan your food purchases through the Palau app to find out their environmental impact and nutritional benefits.
Discover the eco-score of 200K food items
The Palau ‘eco-score’ is based on two criteria: ‘The Life Cycle Assessment’ and the ‘Bonus Malus System’. This is all about how a product impacts the environment throughout its whole life cycle, and then the variables within this cycle that change between companies, allowing the score to be improved or reduced. Labels, packaging and biodiversity will also impact the eco-score. Find out more on the app.

Do good for the planet & your belly with nutri-scoring
The nutri-score is calculated using the data listed on the package for 100g of the product. There are two aspects we take into consideration: 70% Nutritional Quality - taking into account the positive and negative nutrients in the product and 30% Additives. The calculation method is based on the nova-score — 1) Unprocessed and minimally processed foods, 2) Processed culinary ingredients, 3) Processed foods, 4) “Ultra-processed” foods. Find out more on the app.
Connect with other thrifters to learn more
Our mission is to create a movement of thrifters, helping to shift consumption behaviors. In our app you’ll discover social features and challenges that connect you to other awesome people all while helping save the planet.

Discover recipes, blogs, challenges and more
Palau is more than a scanning tool. Our app provides a whole world of challenges, articles, information and recipes that help you buy and cook delicious food that is as good for the planet as it is your belly. Discover more on our Academy page in our app.
Download our app and start scanning! It’s as simple as that really. When you’re in the supermarket or when you get home.
The eco-score is how a product impacts the environment throughout its lifecycle, and the variables that change between companies.
The nutri-score is calculated using the data listed on the package for 100g of the product. We analyze it so you don’t have to.
Still got Questions?
You’ll find frequently asked questions below, but if you want to know more
please just get in touch on our contact page!