ESRS Readiness Checklist
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⚙️ Applicability and Awareness
🧱 Double Materiality Assessment
💻 Implementation
📋 Data Collection
✅ External Assurance
📣 Communication and Engagement
📈 Continuous Improvement and Upskilling
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High priority action items
Have you conducted a comprehensive assessment of your company's value chain to identify sustainability impacts?
Have you conducted a comprehensive assessment of your company's value chain to identify sustainability impacts?
Do you have a process in place to monitor and evaluate the ESG performance of suppliers and partners regularly?
Do you have a process in place to monitor and evaluate the ESG performance of suppliers and partners regularly?
Have you mapped out your external stakeholders?
Have you mapped out your external stakeholders?
Have you mapped out your internal stakeholders?
Have you mapped out your internal stakeholders?
Have you defined the methods for involving stakeholders?
Have you defined the methods for involving stakeholders?
Have you set up initial dialogues with stakeholders?
Have you set up initial dialogues with stakeholders?
Based on dialogue feedback, have you created a list of topics to be assessed?
Based on dialogue feedback, have you created a list of topics to be assessed?
Have you assessed the impact of your business on each topic?
Have you assessed the impact of your business on each topic?
Have you defined risks and opportunities for each topic?
Have you defined risks and opportunities for each topic?
Have you assessed the materiality of the topics based on scale, scope, irremediability, and likelihood?
Have you assessed the materiality of the topics based on scale, scope, irremediability, and likelihood?
Have you defined targets with milestones and deadlines for each material topic?
Have you defined targets with milestones and deadlines for each material topic?
Have you defined actions needed to reach the defined targets?
Have you defined actions needed to reach the defined targets?
Have you conducted a gap analysis to identify material issues vs. ESRS data points and identified gaps in reporting?
Have you conducted a gap analysis to identify material issues vs. ESRS data points and identified gaps in reporting?
Have you addressed data gaps or data quality issues?
Have you addressed data gaps or data quality issues?
Is engagement with key stakeholders ongoing to address ESG concerns?
Is engagement with key stakeholders ongoing to address ESG concerns?
Medium priority action items
Do you understand the reporting deadlines and frequency for your company's sector?
Have you thoroughly read through the General Requirements and General Disclosures standards and understand the basics of ESRS reporting requirements?
Are you aware of the specific sustainability disclosure requirements applicable to your industry and activities?
Are you aware of the specific sustainability disclosure requirements applicable to your industry and activities?
Have you conducted a peer assessment and created an initial list of material topics?
Have you conducted a peer assessment and created an initial list of material topics?
Have you developed policies that should guide the work on material topics?
Have you developed policies that should guide the work on material topics?
Have you set up a working group and assigned actions to owners?
Have you set up a working group and assigned actions to owners?
Do you have a robust data collection process for ESG data across your operations and supply chain?
Do you have a robust data collection process for ESG data across your operations and supply chain?
Have you defined and implemented data collection standards, quality assurance measures, and data governance procedures?
Have you defined and implemented data collection standards, quality assurance measures, and data governance procedures?
Have you conducted a third-party assurance of the sustainability reporting processes?
Have you conducted a third-party assurance of the sustainability reporting processes?
Is there a communication plan in place to effectively communicate sustainability performance to stakeholders?
Is there a communication plan in place to effectively communicate sustainability performance to stakeholders?
Is a continuous improvement process established for sustainability reporting practices?
Is a continuous improvement process established for sustainability reporting practices?
Does ongoing training and education on sustainability reporting principles and ESRS requirements occur for employees?
Have you conducted a comprehensive assessment of your company's value chain to identify sustainability impacts?
Is there proactive monitoring of emerging sustainability trends and regulatory developments for ongoing compliance?
Does ongoing training and education on sustainability reporting principles and ESRS requirements occur for employees?
Low priority action items
Do you understand the reporting deadlines and frequency for your company's sector?
Do you understand the reporting deadlines and frequency for your company's sector?
Do you utilize data analytics tools to extract meaningful insights and track sustainability progress?
Do you utilize data analytics tools to extract meaningful insights and track sustainability progress?
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